

نمتلك المهارات لتحويل عملك إلى علامة تجارية عالمية مع خبراء المجال متعددي اللغات لدينا الذين يعرفون أفضل الممارسات لنجاح عملك.

Retail & E-Commerce

If you work in retail and e-commerce, you have a huge opportunity to expand your operation, but only with the help of a skilled translation service provider. LangSpire retail and e-commerce solutions are designed to assist small and medium-sized businesses. Our specialized translation solutions can optimize multilingual and multinational tactics for online, mobile, and in-store content, as well as customer relations support.

Globalization Strategy

It doesn’t matter what kind of business you run, we understand the challenges that come along with reaching out to new markets in an attempt to become a global brand. We make this process easier by helping you streamline your marketing process and brand strategies for different audiences. Our multilingual experts can help you take on a global marketing campaign by offering flexibility, speed, and unconventional thinking that will help you stick out from the crowd.

Global Brand Management

It can be difficult to discover a new market where your brand will be successful. One way to enhance the likelihood of success is to partner with LangSpire’s global brand management team. We will help you create appropriate global brand strategies that can reduce profit loss by helping you respond to local needs. We do this by accumulating verified data and tracking your record of successes and failures to help you fit into the local marketplace.

We offer a variety of global brand management services that include:

  • Advertising
  • Style guides
  • Glossaries
  • Market research
  • Brand consulting
  • Multimedia

Website and E-Commerce Site Localization

Research suggests that customers choose to purchase products and services on websites in their own native language—even if they speak English as a second or third language. That means you need to optimize your site for the native language and culture you’re targeting.

With the certified translation services from LangSpire, you can create an e-commerce page or website in multiple languages with minimal effort. We’ll take the content on your site and modify it for international visitors with attention to your online experience. We’ll narrow in on the right language style, site architecture, tools, and CMS to provide both you and your visitors with a smooth online experience.


Having a responsive mobile website is a must. If you’re marketing to a global audience, developing your mobile site with different languages in mind is equally as important. Our global language translation services include creating a responsive design that best supports and enhances each particular language.


LangSpire supports your international SEO (ISEO) and international SEM (ISEM) needs by defining the unique strategy of every brand. We do not simply translate the source language of keywords and ads. Instead, we create content from the ground-up in a language that local users in that specific target market will understand, without losing your brand’s message.

Our ISEO and ISEM services include:

  • Raising your search engine ranking
  • Driving quality traffic to your website
  • Increasing click rates
  • Converting visitors into sales and leads

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective strategies to increase website traffic and sales. LangSpire can help you create a custom email marketing campaign for each of your selected target markets. We’ll provide you with language translation services, graphics that suit different cultures and traditions, and we’ll help you send emails at the appropriate times within each time zone.

Social Media

A social media strategy is important to any marketing campaign. We’ll make sure your message matches each market you’re targeting, regardless of the local language or its time zone. LangSpire offers complete translation services. We compose social media content with attention to which words and abbreviations are most appropriate. We also pay close attention to localized humor while avoiding potentially offensive content.

Our social media services include:

  • Content generation
  • Native ad adaptation
  • Social media monitoring
  • Instant translations

Brick and Mortar

LangSpire brick and mortar services for global brands focuses on generating awareness. There are many ways we can help if you’re planning on opening a store in a new market. We can provide you with a full suite of adaptation, consulting, and translation services that ensure you’ll be able to meet the needs of your target market.

Customer Support

LangSpire provides effective customer support services in 140 languages. To ensure a quality customer experience, we also offer customer support consults, workforce training and development, and outsource and marketing services.

As a full translation service provider, we can handle your international calls. Our highly trained customer support representatives are able to research and solve a variety of client concerns and queries. Service reps can provide information to your callers, or they can direct requests to the relevant departments.

Live Chat Support

Live chat is a popular way for consumers to get their questions answered quickly and conveniently. Make sure their interaction is a positive one with live chat support from LangSpire. We provide on-the-spot translation services in multiple languages, allowing you to respond to your customers and clients in real time.