PARLAM TMS — Manage Your Translations

PARLAM TMS — Manage Your Translations

PARLAM TMS — Manage Your Translations

With the aim to assist the management and organization of translation solutions of all sort of big businesses and brands — Parlam supports not only translation problems, but also abolishes all kinds obstacles and manual courses that are needed when a new project is formed until the translation is received by the company, independently of the translator, or agency, involved in the process.

Parlam, unique services deal in niche functionalities, like concurrently working with a translation in several languages, being capable to consign each language to an autonomous translator, and managing payments in step with each of their local currency in a translucent manner. With Parlam we can now have better:


With Parlam one can take control of the whole translation workflow practice. It helps businesses provide translations on time, with great quality & within the right budget.


Parlam helps connect the company’s CMS and any IT system in order to provide work to their translators in a more organized and data protected computerized way.


With the integration of Parlam in the translation process, companies experience surge output, reducing time consuming actions and re-use translated content with the help of Translation Memory functionality.


The functionality of Translation Memory is that it aids in storing each respectively translated expression in a database which is called the “Translation Memory”. This works as a memory, such as when a new translation is required, the content translated in the past will be re-claimed from the history in the database. This amazing functionality is a time-saver that allows profits to rise steeply while provision times are reduced progressively.

Parlam translation management system is a software that provisions the supervision and mechanization of the translation method. It supports to consolidate the localization workflow, path the development of translation projects and ease manual responsibilities via computerization.

Translation management systems typically comprise of three main modules:

  1. CAT tool (Computer Assisted Translation)
  2. Workflow automation tools
  3. Project management & administration

CAT tool (Computer Assisted Translation)

CAT tools comprise of structures that aid in refining translation promptness, value and uniformity. This includes the following:

  • Translation memory – a databank of sentences, or sections of texts and their translations that can be mechanically reprocessed when translating parallel or matching content.
  • Glossary – a list of industry and company-specific language. This confirms that particular words and expressions are always translated in the same required manner.
  • Machine translation – software that robotically translates texts from one language to another (e.g. Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, DeepL).

Workflow automation tools

Workflow automation tools and incorporations are vital since they support in automating the progression of localization by plummeting the labor-intensive work and saving treasured time. Such tools include API, web hooks, code repository integrations and more.

Project management & administration

Project management competences are precarious for observing PMs for the localization workflow. They need a dashboard where they can track translation advancement, generate and allocate responsibilities to translators and classify logjams or missed goals and targets.


With Parlam Translation Management System many benefits are achieved by the businesses and brands, including the following:

  1. Improve collaboration
  2. Scale quickly and lower localization costs
  3. Ensure translation quality
  4. Boost productivity

Improve collaboration

Handling the localization progression with emails and spreadsheets is a nuisance, no doubt. But a strong TMS like Parlam consents all the team to work and help teams communicate under one platform and calculate the overall development.

Scale quickly and lower localization costs

With the feature of translation memory, it will lead to upsurge the swiftness of translation processes. One can can reprocess the translation content of iOS app to Android App with the help of translation memory.

Ensure translation quality

Features such as translation memory and glossary, it makes it likely to confirm unswerving and high-quality translations across many documents and projects. So, even if translations are made by several different people, industry terms and repeated segments can be translated exactly the same.

Parlam Translation Management System consents to complete translations in three phases:

Phase 1: Upload files and documents for translation

Formerly, when a new project is formed in the TMS, the definite localization course starts with uploading files that require to be translated.

Phase 2: Bid the team

Invitations are send out to the translators and reviewers who’ll be working and actively involved on the project, as well as developers and other people in the company who need to be assigned on the given project. Tasks can also be assigned specifically to certain group of people or individuals.

Phase 3: Translate and publish

With Parlam Translation Management System, translation can be done to as many languages as one wants and pull the translated strings back to the product. This helps the product to expand to wider markets and advances amplified attention from an international global audience.

We at LangSpire know that businesses and companies want to know how much work has been done, how much money has been spent and how things stand in comparison to planned outputs and goals set.

With Parlam Translation Management System it can help collect all the statistics with simplicity since all work is achieved centrally through the same system.

Furthermore, Parlam Translation Management System helps centralizes all our clients’ projects, tracing them in real time and upholding a comprehensive account of it. Hence, our clients’ are given the benefit of a broad visible account. With the ease of access to advanced dashboards and personalized reports to better manage and organize their timelines, targets, goals and budgets.


By signing up with us at LangSpire and having the access to collaboration with Parlam Translation Management System we help provide the best Translation Technologies available in the market.

From Real-time translation memory, collaborative glossaries, HTML tag segmentation, complex file processing, and the copy editing of automatic translation to all the Text Master services that provides a leading-edge technology solution. Our clients’ can pick and initiate the technologies that are most pertinent for each one of their projects, straight from the system. Most importantly, we know that cost matters and with Parlam Translation Management System on board with us watch as your translation costs and delivery costs radically shrink.