The Upswing of Linguistic Diversity in United States of America

The Upswing of Linguistic Diversity in United States of America

The Upswing of Linguistic Diversity in United States of America

The United States has more immigrants than any other country in the world. Since 1965, the number of immigrants living in the U.S. has more than quadrupled. Language Diversity in United States of America has been growing over the past few years. From constant immigration to amplified interest in language education, there are a variety of whys and wherefores to explain the growth in linguistic diversity seen in the US today. Today, we are going to discuss the most Spoken languages in United States with facts.

As the United States becomes more culturally and linguistically diverse, establishments across all diligences must be able to rapidly and efficiently overcome language barricades to assist various populations. Understanding current immigration drifts helps establishments strategize, associate with, and better serve multicultural customers.

Language Diversity in US refers to the number of languages spoken in the United States and the number of people who speak them. The United States is recognized as a fusion of people and traditions. It is also a fusion of languages. People living in the US speak over 350 languages at home.

According to a study conducted by the American Community Survey, almost more than 20% of US residents speak a language other than English at home and this percentage has almost doubled over since 1980. In real terms, 66.6 million US residents now speak a language other than English at home and this number has doubled since 1990 and tripled since 1980, survey data showed.

The front-runner language gaining ground in the United States is the Spanish language. Enlarged numbers of immigrants and attentiveness in serving these peoples’ needs are key elements for this jump. From California to Virginia, Spanish speakers can be found across the country, plainly.

Other languages of increased interest in the US are Chinese, Farsi and Arabic, all of which promise to be important languages of the future, in everything from politics to trade. And as the US continues to embrace a more global worldview, language diversity in the US country will likely increase.

Language Diversity significantly exists all over the places in US and the need for professional interpretation and translation services is mandatory to each individual, students, officials, health care and every department needs support to overcome language barriers and provide what suits best for them.

Most Spoken Languages in United States of America

  • English

While it should come as no surprise that English is the most spoken language in the United States, it is also the country’s official language. The United States doesn’t have an official language on the books, but the topic has flashed a sizzling debate that goes back centuries. Supporters of making English is the official language characteristically fall on the traditional side of the political scale, while opponents are usually more left-leaning and pro-immigrant. Despite the lack of an official language on a federal level, more than half of the 50 states have passed laws giving English official language status.

Though there are around 229 million English speakers in the USA, there are also other languages spoken in the United States; mentioned below.

  • Spanish

According to Pew Research Center, Spanish is one of the fastest-growing languages in the United States — is amplified by 233 percent between 1980 and 2013. But still, the number of native Spanish speakers in the United States is pointedly less than that of English speakers.

Spanish is by far the most dominant language in the United States after English. The highest population of Spanish speakers can be found in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. In terms of terminology, Spanish words and phrases have made their way into American English, possibly most evidently in numerous American cities and states.

  • Chinese Languages

Various Chinese languages follow Spanish as the third most leading language in the United States. On the other hand, compared to Spanish, Chinese speakers have an objectively small population of around 2.9 million. Nonetheless, this number accounts for an upsurge of 290% since 1980 and is fast becoming a massively prevalent language in the US. Most of these Chinese speakers speak Mandarin and are mainly found in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

  • Tagalog

Tagalog is extensively spoken in the Philippines, and its regular version — Filipino — is one of the country’s official languages. Even though Tagalog is widely spoken across the United States, the language has a smaller amount of name recognition than the other languages on this list of the most spoken languages in the United States.

  • French

Now taken over by other languages, but French was once one of the most popular languages in the US. Nevertheless, with practically 1.3 million speakers in Washington DC, Miami and New York, it is the fifth most spoken language in the United State.

  • Vietnamese

Vietnamese accounts for the biggest change in the speaker’s population status on this list. The number of Vietnamese speakers in the United States is only slightly lower than the number of Tagalog speakers. More than 300,000 Vietnamese immigrants arrived in the United States between 2000 and 2014, primarily to reunite with family members — many of whom sought asylum following the Vietnam War.

Since 1980, the number of speakers has increased by more than 500%. Los Angeles, Dallas and Houston among other cities have the most people who speak Vietnamese.

  • German

Innate Vietnamese speakers outnumber German speakers. With 1.1 million speakers of different German dialects, the language has seen a skimpy increase of 30% in the last 3 decades.

  • Korean

With little less than 1.1 million, Korean speakers are common in the city of Chicago, New York and Washington DC.

  • Russian

Russian has seen the second-highest increase after Vietnamese in the United States of America since 1980. With an increase of 390%, most Russian speakers can be found in Chicago, New York and San Francisco.

  • Italian

Italian is one language on this list that has seen a drop in the number of speakers. Since the 1980s, the number of Italian speakers has weakened by 50%. With almost 700,000 speakers living in Chicago, Boston and New York.

  • Portuguese

Since the 1980s, Portuguese speakers have doubled in the United States. There are over 600,000 people in United States who speak Portuguese with near mainstream living in New York, Miami, and Boston.


The above list of languages scarcely grazes the apparent of the massive ocean of languages spoken natively all over the United States. The languages and the people who speak these languages have influenced the country geologically, ethnically and linguistically — and the “beautiful mosaic” of the United States continues to grow.